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To view documents related to Haulers, click on the appropriate link below:

             Active haulers July 8 2024.pdf         

               ​Licensing Require​ment              ​


 Monthly Report:                             Monthly Report (pdf)    Monthly Report (doc)    ​Monthly Report (xls)

Application Instructions:              Hauler User Guide v1 102022.pdf

Hauler license applications

Effective October 5, 2022, license applications (new and renewal) must be submitted online.
Access to the Board's online services requires a Greenport account and completing a PMMB security form.
Instructions for setting up a Greenport account and finding the PMMB security form are here.  If you already have a Greenport account, sign in and begin at step 12.  If you do not have a Greenport account start at step 1.